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How to Prevent Hair Frizz

Do you have to deal with frizzy hair during Minnesota’s humid summer months? Between June and August, our weather can leave your hair looking tangled, sticky, and unkempt.

A good way to tackle this problem is by using a quality conditioner each time you shampoo. Not only does shampoo clean your hair and scalp; it helps control the amount of moisture in your hair. By combining it with conditioner, you can control frizz. It is especially effective when you use a leave-in conditioner.

Serum is an effective frizz deterrent as well. Simply apply serum while your hair is still wet. It will help remove tangles and straighten out your hair for easy combing. Because serum contains a variety of moisturizing ingredients that coat the hair strands, it will give your hair a smooth, glossy look.

When the weather turns extremely humid, pull your hair up in a bun or ponytail. This way, you can avoid overexposing it to the elements. If possible, purchase a rich hair pack to supplement with conditioners and other treatments. Hair packs contain generous amounts of powerful ingredients such as olive oil and coconut oil, both of which are used to prevent hair frizz and dryness.

If your hair is more predisposed to developing frizz, it may take some level of effort to keep it untangled and flowing smoothly. However, with the right type and amount of ingredients, you can avoid bad summer hair days. As with most beauty products, the key is finding the best combination.

Want to Reduce Hair Frizz? Try Le Gem Diamond Glass!

Le Gem

Le Gem Diamond Glass gives highlights a glowing shine and eradicates frizzy ends. It contains a flawless blend of ingredients and will revive dry hair.

Hair Loss Solutions sells La Gem Diamond Glass! If you would like to lean more, contact us today to schedule your FREE consultation or stop by our Oakdale office. To buy products online, please visit our online shopping cart.